
Routine Review of Long Term Conditions
Routine Review of Long Term Conditions
Those living with long term conditions in Angus may have experienced delays to their routine long term conditions reviews over recent months. This is due to the Covid pandemic and the national guidance issued to general practices about how to reduce risks to patients by avoiding all but essential consultations.
In line with most recent updated national guidance general practices across Angus will be starting to gradually reintroduce routine reviews for those requiring them through a mix of telephone, video consultation and face to face reviews.
A great deal has been learned during the Covid pandemic about how much more can be done by telephone or video conferencing using Near Me. While we know some of these options are not suitable for every condition or ever individual, patients who have had consultations with their healthcare practitioners by phone or video conference are very positive about the experience and most would be keen to use again.
Many people who receive routine reviews of their long term conditions would normally receive them on their birthday month.This may be affected this year and a delay may be encountered while practices catch up. This will be affected this year but practice are considering safe ways to prioritise those patients who need their reviews soonest as well as gradually catching up with reviews over the next few months.
Should anyone living with a long term condition have concerns about their condition, they should not wait for their invitation for a review but instead contact their general practice directly to discuss.